Submit nominations by May 31st for the second California Regional Adaptation Leadership Award!

The American Society of Adaptation Professionals (ASAP) Regional Adaptation Leadership Award (RALA) recognizes individuals who have distinguished themselves in the climate change adaptation field through exceptional leadership. It recognizes the fact that deliberate, proactive adaptation, preparedness, and resilience-building is a change process, a deviation from business-as-usual, and a courageous act of doing something new and different. At its heart are individuals who make this change happen, sometimes with very few resources. The RALA recognizes distinguished adaptation leaders who approach their work in a strategic, sophisticated, well informed, inclusive, and effective manner.

ASAP’s two award programs, the Regional Adaptation Leadership Award and the Prize for Progress, highlight excellence in adaptation leadership and excellence in adaptation practices of communities and organizations, respectively. These programs are a critical component of ASAP’s work supporting and connecting adaptation professionals and advancing innovation and excellence in the field of climate change adaptation.

Help us honor and inspire by nominating those most deserving of recognition for their work on climate change adaptation in California. The RALA awardee will be recognized at the California Adaptation Forum in Sacramento, CA.

Award Prizes include: $500 cash, a year of ASAP membership ($150 value), and complimentary registration to the 2018 or 2020 California Adaptation Forum.

Deadline to submit nominations is Friday, May 25, 2018. You may nominate any adaptation professional who works in California as long as they are not on the selection committee for the RALA. Nominees may come from any sector (ie – public, private, etc.) Selection Committee Members: Sona Mohnot, Leilani Barnett, Meg Arnold, Laurel Hunt, Sascha Petersen, Larry Greene, Joey Wall, Emily Wasley, Angela Kim.

Questions? Email Rachel Jacobson at ASAP is committed to facilitating nomination and selection of a transformative leader. Please contact us if you have any barriers to submitting a nomination that fully captures the strength of the nominee’s leadership.

About American Society of Adaptation Professionals:

As the nation’s leading professional society for adaptation and resilience practitioners, ASAP is ensuring that climate adaptation and resilience work is equitable, ethical, and effective. ASAP connects and supports climate adaptation professionals, while advancing innovation and excellence in the field of climate change adaptation. Through ASAP’s website, affinity groups, webinars, and meetings climate adaptation professionals interact, share what’s working, collaborate with their colleagues and build essential climate resilience for communities across the U.S. Learn more about ASAP at

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