SoCalGas Supports Local Adaptation Work

SoCalGas, the major natural gas provider for Southern and Central California, is proud to enhance climate resilience work in the state. The company is actively involved to promote climate adaptation within their organization as well as in local communities.

SoCalGas just received its pool of applicants for a shareholder-funded grant the company recently released aimed at supporting Southern and Central California municipalities in local planning efforts to adapt to climate change impacts, such as extreme heat, wildfires, drought, subsidence, sea level rise, flooding, and mudslides. The final grant recipients will be two municipalities with projects or programs that “address the local challenges of preparing vulnerability assessments, climate adaptation and resiliency plans, and local hazard mitigation plans,” according to the grant website. SoCalGas is excited by the opportunity to advance the state of adaptation practice in California.

In line with these efforts, the company will soon release case studies that highlight the impacts of recent natural disasters such as hurricanes, fires, and mudslides, and examples of resilience. The case studies will help SoCalGas and others interested in adaptation planning better understand how natural gas infrastructure can play a role in building resilience to natural disasters. Copies of these case studies will be available at SoCalGas’ booth at the California Adaptation Forum.

“Natural disasters, from Hurricane Harvey to the Napa Valley fires, have highlighted the importance of natural gas as a resilient energy resource that provides heat and hot water for homes, and on-site electricity generation for hospitals and relief centers,” said George Minter, SoCalGas regional vice president of external affairs and environmental strategy.

 SoCalGas employees, including CEO Patti Wagner (right) survey damage and prepare for repair and restoration work after the Montecito mudslides. Image sources: (left) and (right).

SoCalGas wants to learn from partners to help build local climate resilience. Please take a moment to take our survey on how SoCalGas can help your organization in adaptation and resilience planning – this will help us understand how to further collaborate!