The California Adaptation Forum is a biennial, multidisciplinary event that supports active, open and engaging dialogue around adaptation issues. The Local Government Commission (LGC) is the primary organizer of this event.
The LGC has made it a primary goal to bring you together with multiple disciplines to explore how partnerships can provide the political will, technical expertise and the most effective action plans necessary to overcome inertia and change business as usual. By doing so we hope to eliminate single-sector “silo-thinking” and the language barriers that make it difficult for various professions and interests to communicate with each other.
Therefore, the right to participate and actively engage in open dialogue between all attendees is an essential part of the forum and we cherish the diversity of ideas and opinions. The forum organizers also acknowledge the freedom of expression of our sponsors, speakers and participants.
To promote and protect this essential open dialogue we would like to set a few ground rules that will be in effect for the duration of the forum:
- All attendees shall behave in a professional, courteous and respectful manner, refraining from abusive, forceful, destructive language and/or actions.
- All attendees shall show respect for the opinions and perspectives of other forum attendees, regardless of whether they agree with them or not.
- All attendees shall use common conversational courtesy: listen respectfully and refrain from interrupting.
- Personal attacks will not be tolerated.
- In the event a disruption occurs, (such as harassing or persistently taunting a speaker, moderator, forum organizer or other forum attendee), we reserve the right to ask the person(s) causing the disruption to immediately leave the forum and event premises. Forum organizers and security will make the final decision based upon the severity of the situation.
- Physical force, or threats of physical force, will not be tolerated. If any type of force or threat is used, we reserve the right to ask the offender to immediately leave the forum and event premises. Forum organizers and security will make the final decision based upon the severity of the situation.
- Attendees that are asked to leave the forum for any of the reasons listed above will not receive a refund for their forum registration costs.
- Attendees will not be able to return for the remainder of the forum if they are asked to leave.